Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rainy Day Play

I can't stand being stuck in the house when it rains. And, it's been raining on and off for almost a week now. Not just rain but, torrential downpours. The only other person I know who hates it more than me, is my son. If only we had this amazing DIY puzzle by Melissa and Doug. We are already proud owners of about 10 of their beautiful chunky wooden puzzles but this one allows you to create the picture yourself. How brilliant. The kit provides everything you need to make two original puzzles. It might be time to get out the rainboots for a shopping trip or, to make things easier, you can stay put and buy it at KangarooBoo

Keep dry!


Anonymous said...

Welcome, I'm in the same boat as you. Just started blogging this month. You're one post ahead of me. I've been reading them only for the last few months. I hope your's is a satisfying experience.

Anonymous said...